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Left 4 Downtown 2 - L4D2 Only, Updated Left4Downtown

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ВАЖНО: Начиная с версии 0.5.3, мы разделяем релиз left4downtown2
  • Автор Автор Cubix
  • Дата создания Дата создания
Поддерживаемые игры
  1. Left 4 Dead (L4D/L4D2)
Left 4 Downtown 2

Latest Gamedata is always HERE.

ВАЖНО: Начиная с версии 0.5.3, мы разделяем релиз left4downtown2 на билды player-lots и no-playerlots.
Это связано с многочисленными проблемами пользователей, которые пытаются запустить как l4dtoolz, так и left4downtown.

Left4Downtown2 является психоническим продолжением ProdigySim, предназначенным только для L4D2, и дополнением Left 4 Dead для Downtown1.
Разблокировать максимальное количество игровых автоматов ( up to 18*) в Left 4 Dead 2. Доступно только для билдов лотов
Добавляет цели команды SM @survivors и @infected.
Также предоставляет загрузку новых нативов и форвардов, связанных с L4D2, для разработчиков плагинов.

Просто установите CVAR l4d_maxplayers в то, что вы хотите в server.cfg (например, l4d_maxplayers 12), или -1, чтобы отключить переопределение. Вы также можете установить -maxplayers или + maxplayers из командной строки вместо использования CVAR. (Только лоты для игроков)
Чтобы использовать специальные цели, просто используйте их в команде. например sm_kick @infected !slay @survivors

Плагины / Maxplayers - воспользоваться этими дополнительными слотами!
Возможности разработчика:
Left4Downtown предоставляет большое количество полезных форвардов и нативов для разработчиков плагинов Left4Dead2. Чтобы увидеть полный список наших функций сценариев, см. Our includes directory. Ниже приведен список некоторых наших форвардов / туземцев.

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* @brief Called whenever ZombieManager::SpawnTank(Vector&,QAngle&) is invoked
* @remarks Not invoked if z_spawn tank is used and it gives a ghosted/dead player tank
* @param vector Vector coordinate where tank is spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where tank will be facing
* @return Pl_Handled to block tank from spawning, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnSpawnTank(const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);

* @brief Called whenever ZombieManager::SpawnWitch(Vector&,QAngle&) is invoked
* @param vector Vector coordinate where witch is spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where witch will be facing
* @return Pl_Handled to block witch from spawning, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnSpawnWitch(const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);

* @brief Called whenever ZombieManager::SpawnWitchBride(Vector&,QAngle&) is invoked
* @param vector Vector coordinate where witch is spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where witch will be facing
* @return Pl_Handled to block witch from spawning, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnSpawnWitchBride(const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);

* @brief Called whenever ZombieManager::SpawnSpecial(ZombieClassType,Vector&,QAngle&) is invoked
* @remarks Only used for bot special spawns (not players)
* @param zombieClass Zombie class that will be spawned.
* @param vector Vector coordinate where special will be spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where spcial will be facing
* @return Pl_Handled to block special from spawning,
* Pl_Changed to change the zombie class type to spawn, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnSpawnSpecial(&zombieClass, const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);

* @brief Called whenever CTerrorGameRules::ClearTeamScores(bool) is invoked
* @remarks This resets the map score at the beginning of a map, and by checking
* the campaign scores on a small timer you can see if they were reset as well.
* @param newCampaign if true then this is a new campaign, if false a new chapter
* @return Pl_Handled to block scores from being cleared, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnClearTeamScores(bool:newCampaign);

* @brief Called whenever CTerrorGameRules::SetCampaignScores(int,int) is invoked
* @remarks The campaign scores are updated after the 2nd round is completed
* @param scoreA score of logical team A
* @param scoreB score of logical team B
* @return Pl_Handled to block campaign scores from being set, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnSetCampaignScores(&scoreA, &scoreB);

* @brief Called whenever CDirector::OnFirstSurvivorLeftSafeArea is invoked
* @remarks A versus round is started when survivors leave the safe room, or force started
* after 90 seconds regardless.
* @param client the survivor that left the safe area first
* @return Pl_Handled to block round from being started, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnFirstSurvivorLeftSafeArea(client);

* @brief Called whenever CDirector::GetScriptValue(const char*, int) is invoked
* @remarks A script value is map specific
* @param key the script's key name
* @param retVal what to override the return value with
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnGetScriptValueInt(const String:key[], &retVal);

* @brief Called whenever CDirector::GetScriptValue(const char*, float) is invoked
* @remarks A script value is map specific
* @param key the script's key name
* @param retVal what to override the return value with
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnGetScriptValueFloat(const String:key[], &Float:retVal);

* @brief Called whenever CDirector::GetScriptValue(const char*, const char*, char*, int) is invoked
* @remarks A script value is map specific
* @param key the script's key name
* @param defaultVal default key return, usually empty
* @param retVal returned String
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnGetScriptValueString(const String:key[], const String:defaultVal[], String:retVal[128]);

* @brief Called whenever CTerrorPlayer::OnEnterGhostState(CTerrorPlayer*) is invoked
* @remarks This happens when a player enters ghost mode (or in finales auto-materialized)
* @param client the client that has entered ghost mode
forward L4D_OnEnterGhostState(client);

* @brief Called whenever CDirector::TryOfferingTankBot is invoked
* @remarks Is used for displaying the "X gets Tank" window and transferring Tank control
* @return Pl_Handled to block window from showing and to keep Tank Bot, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D_OnTryOfferingTankBot(tank_index, &bool:enterStasis);

* @brief Called whenever CDirector::OnMobRushStart(void) is invoked
* @remarks called on random hordes, mini- and finale hordes, and boomer hordes, causes Zombies to attack
* Not called on "z_spawn mob", hook the console command and check arguments to catch plugin mobs
* This function is used to reset the Director's natural horde timer
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D_OnMobRushStart();

* @brief Called whenever ZombieManager::SpawnITMob(int) is invoked
* @remarks called on boomer hordes, increases Zombie Spawn Queue
* @param amount Amount of Zombies to add to Queue
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D_OnSpawnITMob(&amount);

* @brief Called whenever ZombieManager::SpawnMob(int) is invoked
* @remarks called on natural hordes & z_spawn mob, increases Zombie Spawn
* Queue, triggers player OnMobSpawned (vocalizations), sets horde
* direction, and plays horde music.
* @param amount Amount of Zombies to add to Queue
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D_OnSpawnMob(&amount);

* @brief Called whenever CTerrorPlayer::OnShovedBySurvivor(CTerrorPlayer, Vector&) is invoked
* @remarks L4D2 only uses this on Special Infected
* @param client the client that did the shoving
* @param victim the client that was shoved (CAUTION: retrieved from function pointer, dont meddle with it)
* @param vector Vector Angle of Shoveforce
* @return Pl_Handled to block melee effect (staggering), Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnShovedBySurvivor(client, victim, const Float:vector[3]);

* @brief Called whenever CTerrorPlayer::GetCrouchTopSpeed() is invoked
* @param target the client that its being called on (not changible)
* @param retVal what to override the return value with
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnGetCrouchTopSpeed(target, &Float:retVal);

* @brief Called whenever CTerrorPlayer::GetRunTopSpeed() is invoked
* @param target the client that its being called on (not changible)
* @param retVal what to override the return value with
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnGetRunTopSpeed(target, &Float:retVal);

* @brief Called whenever CTerrorPlayer::GetWalkTopSpeed() is invoked
* @param target the client that its being called on (not changible)
* @param retVal what to override the return value with
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnGetWalkTopSpeed(target, &Float:retVal);

* @brief Called whenever CTerrorGameRules::HasConfigurableDifficultySetting() is invoked
* @remarks used to deny/allow difficulty changes in different game modes
* @param retVal what to override the return value with. 1 to allow difficulty configuration, 0 to deny.
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnHasConfigurableDifficulty(&retVal);

* @brief Called whenever CTerrorGameRules::GetSurvivorSet(void) is invoked
* @param retVal what to override the return value with
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnGetSurvivorSet(&retVal);

* @brief Called whenever CTerrorGameRules::FastGetSurvivorSet(void) is invoked
* @param retVal what to override the return value with
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D_OnFastGetSurvivorSet(&retVal);

* @brief Called whenever CDirectorVersusMode::GetMissionVersusBossSpawning() is invoked
* @remarks Passed values are from the map's Mission Keyvalues. If those keyvalues don't exist, they are from cvar and other globals
* @param spawn_pos_min Minimum spawn position (percent of flow distance) for bosses
* @param spawn_pos_max Maximum spawn position (perfect of flow distance) for bosses
* @param tank_chance Chance for a tank to spawn on this map
* @param witch_chance Chance for a witch to spawn on this map
* @return Pl_Handled to block reading map data, Pl_Changed to use overwritten values from plugin, Pl_Continue to continue to read from mission data.
forward Action:L4D_OnGetMissionVSBossSpawning(&Float:spawn_pos_min, &Float:spawn_pos_max, &Float:tank_chance, &Float:witch_chance);

* @brief Called whenever CThrow::ActivateAbility(void) is invoked
* @remarks Called when a tank throws a rock. Blocking this call will
* keep the tank from throwing a rock.
* @param ability ability_throw entity index
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D_OnCThrowActivate(ability);

* @brief Called whenever InfectedShoved::OnShoved(Infected *, CBaseEntity *) is invoked
* @remarks Called when common Infected are about to get shoved
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D_OnInfectedShoved(infected, entity);

* @brief Called whenever CTerrorMeleeWeapon::StartMeleeSwing(CTerrorPlayer *, bool) is invoked
* @remarks Called when a player uses his melee Weapons primary attack. This is before the game
* reads the melee weapon data (model etc) and decides if he CAN attack at all.
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D_OnStartMeleeSwing(client, bool:boolean);

* @brief Called whenever CDirectorScriptedEventManager::SendInRescueVehicle(void) is invoked
* @remarks Called when the last Finale stage is reached and the Rescue Means becomes 'available'.
* Take note this forward WILL fire upon using the native of the same function.
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D2_OnSendInRescueVehicle();

* @brief Called whenever CDirectorScriptedEventManager::ChangeFinaleStage is invoked
* @param FinaleStageType integer value
* @remarks some values for FinaleStageType: 1 - Finale Started; 6 - Rescue Vehicle Ready; 7 - Zombie Hordes; 8 - Tank; 10 - Combat Respite (nothing spawns)
* @remarks SendInRescueVehicle does not depend on Finale Stage being 6, that only signals endless Hordes/Tanks
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D2_OnChangeFinaleStage(&finaleType, const String:arg[]);

* @brief Called whenever CDirectorVersusMode::EndVersusModeRound(bool) is invoked
* @param countSurvivors True if the survival multiplier count needs to be nonzero. I guess.
* @remarks Not sure what bool does exactly yet. Just monitor it. If true, survivors will be counted for multiplier. If false, survival multiplier will be set to 0.
* @remarks A lot of Score calculations happen on this function, and the round-end scoreboard comes up doing this. Don't block unless you're sure you can reproduce this logic.
* @return Pl_Handled to block, Pl_Continue otherwise
forward Action:L4D2_OnEndVersusModeRound(bool:countSurvivors);

* @brief Called when CBaseAnimating::SelectWeightedSequence(int Activity) is invoked with tank attack activity
* @remarks Called whenever a tank uses his primary (punch) or secondary (throw) attack
* @param client the client that is playing as tank
* @param sequence current selected sequence for attack, option to override the return value with it
* @remarks sequences(punches): 40(uppercut), 43(right hook), 45(left hook), 46 and 47 (pounding the ground)
* @remarks sequences(throws): 48(undercut), 49(1handed overhand), 50(throw from the hip), 51(2handed overhand)
* @return Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D2_OnSelectTankAttack(client, &sequence);

* @brief Called when CTerrorPlayer::OnRevived(void) is invoked
* @remarks Called post-revive so all data values are post-revive status.
* @param client the client that has been revived
* @noreturn Pl_Handled to override return value, Pl_Continue otherwise.
forward Action:L4D2_OnRevived(client);

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* @brief Get the current campaign scores stored in the Director
* @remarks The campaign scores are updated after L4D_OnSetCampaignScores
* @deprecated This will set the scores to -1 for both sides on L4D2,
* this function is no longer supported.
* @param scoreA score of logical team A
* @param scoreB score of logical team B
* @return 1 always
#pragma deprecated Use GetTeamScore and OnClearTeamScores instead
native L4D_GetCampaignScores(&scoreA, &scoreB);

* @brief Get the team scores for the current map
* @remarks The campaign scores are not set until the end of round 2,
* use L4D_GetCampaignScores to get them earlier.
* @deprecated This function can be called through SDKTools using CTerrorGameRules,
* and so you should switch off to using SDKTools instead of this native.
* @param logical_team 0 for A, 1 for B
* @param campaign_score true to get campaign score instead of map score
* @return the logical team's map score
* or -1 if the team hasn't played the round yet,
* or the team's campaign score if campaign_score = true
native L4D_GetTeamScore(logical_team, campaign_score=false);

* @brief Restarts the setup timer (when in scavenge mode)
* @remarks If game has already started, the setup timer will show,
* but it still won't go back into setup.
native L4D_ScavengeBeginRoundSetupTime();

* @brief Restarts the round, switching the map if necessary
* @remarks Set the map to the current map to restart the round
* @param map the mapname it should go to after the round restarts
* @return 1 always
native L4D_RestartScenarioFromVote(const String:map[]);

* @brief Removes lobby reservation from a server
* @remarks Sets the reservation cookie to 0,
* it is safe to call this even if it's unreserved.
native L4D_LobbyUnreserve();

* @brief Checks if the server is currently reserved for a lobby
* @remarks Server is automatically unreserved if it hibernates or
* if all players leave.
* @deprecated This will always return false on L4D2 or on Linux.
* @return true if reserved, false if not reserved
#pragma deprecated This will always return false on L4D2 or on Linux.
native bool:L4D_LobbyIsReserved();

* @brief Gets the max versus completion score for the map
* @remarks Requires GameRules to be initialized--map must be loaded
* Seems to be updated before OnMapStart
* @return The map's max completion distance (map distance score)
native L4D_GetVersusMaxCompletionScore();

* @brief Sets the max versus completion score for the map
* @remarks Requires GameRules to be initialized--map must be loaded
* Seems to be updated before OnMapStart and checked on round_start
* @param score The versus max completion score to set for the round
native L4D_SetVersusMaxCompletionScore(score);

* @brief Tells if the Mission (map) is the final map of the campaign
* @return true if the map is the last map of the campaign (finale)
native bool:L4D_IsMissionFinalMap();

* @brief Resets the natural mob (horde) timer
* @remarks Requires the Director to be available--map must be started
* @noreturn
native L4D_ResetMobTimer();

* @brief Notifies the CGameRulesProxy that the game state has been changed
* @remarks Use this function before changing networked members of GameRules,
* like with L4D_SetVersusMaxCompletionScore()
* @noreturn
native L4D_NotifyNetworkStateChanged();

* @brief Trigger's a target player's stagger behavior
* @remarks Works on any CTerrorPlayer--survivor or infected.
* @param target Player to stagger
* @param source_ent Source of the stagger (another player, etc)
* @param source_vector Source location of the stagger. If NULL_VECTOR, origins of source_ent is used.
* @noreturn
native L4D_StaggerPlayer(target, source_ent, Float:source_vector[3]);

* @brief Get the time remaining before the next director horde.
* @remarks This timer is used for scripted event hordes and natural timed hordes
* @return Time remaining before next director horde
#pragma deprecated Use L4D2_CTimerGetRemainingTime(L4D2CT_MobSpawnTimer)
native Float:L4D_GetMobSpawnTimerRemaining();

* @brief Get the duration the horde timer was set to after the last horde
* @remarks This timer is used for scripted event hordes and natural timed hordes
* @return Total time from last horde to next horde.
#pragma deprecated Use L4D2_CTimerGetCountdownDuration(L4D2CT_MobSpawnTimer)
native Float:L4D_GetMobSpawnTimerDuration();

* @brief Get the remaining spawn time for an SI
* @remarks This is meant for Special infected in ghost mode in versus.
* @return Time (seconds) until the SI will spawn.
native Float:L4D_GetPlayerSpawnTime(player);

* @brief Calls CDirectorScriptedEventManager::SendInRescueVehicle(void)
* @remarks will fire the forward of the same function
* @noreturn
native L4D2_SendInRescueVehicle();

* @brief Calls CDirectorScriptedEventManager::ChangeFinaleStage(CDirectorScriptedEventManager::FinaleStageType,char  const*)
* @param FinaleStageType integer value
* @remarks some values for FinaleStageType: 1 - Finale Started; 6 - Rescue Vehicle Ready; 7 - Zombie Hordes; 8 - Tank; 10 - Combat Respite (nothing spawns)
* @remarks
* @remarks will fire the forward of the same function
* @noreturn
native L4D2_ChangeFinaleStage(finaleType, const String:arg[]);

* @brief Calls ZombieManager::SpawnTank(Vector&,QAngle&)
* @param vector Vector coordinate where the tank will be spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where the tank will be facing
* @return Entity index of the spawned tank
native L4D_SpawnTank(const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);

* @brief Calls ZombieManager::SpawnSpecial(ZombieClassType,Vector&,QAngle&)
* @remarks Only used for bot special spawns (not players)
* @param vector Vector coordinate where the SI will be spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where the SI will be facing
* @return Entity index of the spawned SI
native L4D_SpawnSpecial(zombieClass, const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);

* @brief Calls ZombieManager::SpawnWitch(Vector&,QAngle&)
* @param vector Vector coordinate where the witch will be spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where the witch will be facing
* @return Entity index of the spawned witch
native L4D_SpawnWitch(const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);

* @brief Calls ZombieManager::SpawnWitchBride(Vector&,QAngle&)
* @param vector Vector coordinate where the witch bride will be spawned
* @param qangle QAngle where the witch bride will be facing
* @return Entity index of the spawned witch bride
native L4D_SpawnWitchBride(const Float:vector[3], const Float:qangle[3]);

  • The maximum players reported by HLSW/server browser will change automatically without using sv_visiblemaxplayers (you can still use sv_visiblemaxplayers like normal to override it for whatever reason).
  • By default teams are still locked to 4 infected, 4 survivors, so other plugins are necessary to use the extra slots for something other than show.
  • l4d_maxplayers is locked to be less than +maxplayers set from command line, so if you can't go above 8, buy more slots from your GSP.
  • With l4d_maxplayers -1 and +maxplayers 8, no code in memory is patched (default behaviour). With +maxplayers x (and x is not 8 ) the default value for l4d_maxplayers is x.
  • By connecting from lobby (or console with sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 1), no more than 4 on coop/survival or 8 on versus will be able to connect without unreserving the lobby. Use a plugin such as Remove Lobby Reservation or Super Versus to remove the reservation.
Current Developers:
  • ProdigySim - Confogl developer interested in expanding and updating left4downtown
  • AtomicStryker - Sourcemod plugin developer, and part of the original left4downtown team.
  • psychonic - Resident Sourcemod insider, started left4downtown2
Development sources:
  • (Bugfix release)
    • Changed some GCC/MSVC settings to fix compatibility issues users were having.
    • Fix typo in include file for L4D2_SpawnTank()
  • (Bugfix release)
    • Various bugfixes relating to SpawnX forwards/natives.
    • Added Pl_Changed return handling to SpawnSpecial, allowing the spawned special to be changed.
    • Added SpawnSpecial/SpawnWitchBride forwards and respective natives to include files
    • Updated test plugin for said natives/forwards.
  • 0.5.4
    • Added forward L4D2_OnEndVersusModeRound() to give a hook for messing with round-end scoring changes (ProdigySim)
    • Added forward L4D2_OnRevived to give a pre-revive hook for reading vars (CanadaRox)
    • Added forward L4D2_OnSelectTankAttack to allow modifying tank attack animations (vintik)
    • Added forwards L4D_OnSpawnSpecial and L4D_OnSpawnWitchBride (rochellecrab/ProdigySim)
    • Added natives L4D_SpawnTank, L4D_SpawnWitch, L4D_SpawnWitchBride, L4D_SpawnSpecial (rochellecrab/ProdigySim)
  • 0.5.3
    • Added a bunch of natives for editing weapon stats (l4d2weapons.inc)
    • Added some natives for reading/setting director data: L4D2_GetTankCount(), L4D2_Get/SetVersusCampaignScores(), L4D2_Get/SetVersusTankFlowPercent()
    • Left4downtown2 now registers the "left4downtown2" library.
    • Removed now-defunct finale-ghost-toggling code.
    • Added L4D2_(On)ChangeFinaleStage forward/natives
    • Added L4D2_(On)SendInRescueVehicle forward/natives
    • Added L4D2_OnGetScriptValueString/Float forwards
    • Made playerslots patching optional (two separate builds)
    • Fixed players getting Valve_Reject_Server_Full on linux when connecting some times.
    • Added Forward L4D_OnCThrowActivate()
    • Fixed L4D_OnHasConfigurableDifficulty() on linux
    • Refactored some detouring code
    • Removed L4D_OnGetDifficulty() Forward
    • Added L4D_OnHasConfigurableDifficulty() Forward
    • Minor includes file changes
    • New Forward: L4D_OnGetMissionVSBossSpawning()
    • New Natives for various Director Countdown/Interval Timers
      • Mob Spawn Timer
      • SI Spawn/Death Timers
      • Versus Auto-Start Timer
      • Versus Update Markers Timer
    • Updated signatures and offsets for the Sacrifice DLC (2041)
    • Started some director reverse engineering--not much use yet
    • New Natives:
      • L4D_GetMobSpawnTimerRemaining()
      • L4D_GetMobSpawnTimerDuration()
      • L4D_GetPlayerSpawnTime()
    • New Forwards:
      • L4D_OnGetWalkTopSpeed()
      • L4D_OnGetCrouchTopSpeed()
      • L4D_OnGetRunTopSpeed()
      • L4D_OnGetDifficulty()
      • L4D_OnGetSurvivorSet()
      • L4D_OnFastGetSurvivorSet()
    • Fixed Human player limit patching on windows
    • Minor code upkeep
    • Fixed NotifyNetworkStateChange signature
    • Fixed players being able to join the server past l4d_maxplayers when direct connecting from console
    • Added support for "@infected" and "@survivors" command targets
    • Updated L4D_OnTryOfferingTankBot for patchversion
    • New Natives:
      • L4D_GetVersusMaxCompletionScore()
      • L4D_SetVersusMaxCompletionScore()
      • L4D_IsMissionFinalMap()
      • L4D_ResetMobTimer()
      • L4D_NotifyNetworkStateChanged()
      • L4D_StaggerPlayer()
    • New Forwards:
      • L4D_OnShovedBySurvivor()
      • L4D_OnSpawnMob()
      • L4D_OnSpawnITMob()
    • Various code and build system updates
Если вы хотите патчить лоты игроков, загрузите сборку лотов игроков. Если вы собираетесь использовать L4DToolz для слотов игроков, вам, вероятно, следует просто использовать сборку по умолчанию. Мы рекомендуем использовать только билды, если вы абсолютно уверены, что она вам нужна.
* l4d_maxplayers - valid value is x, such that -1 <= x <= +maxplayers <= maxclients
- using -1 will disable the slots patching (default behavior)
- using any other value will patch L4D to allow more than the default slots
- setting +maxplayers to anything other than 8 will change the default cvar value to that
* left4downtown_version - the current version of this extension
Download the left4downtown2-v0.5.4.2.zip located at the bottom of the post and extract it into /left4dead2/addons/sourcemod/
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