Multi Colors (на основе Stamm-Colors) — это совокупность Colors и More Colors. В зависимости от игры More Colors будет использоваться по умолчанию. Если эта игра CS:GO, будет использоваться Colors. Так же, включает в себя идеальную базу для плагинов, поддерживающих множество игр.
GitHub - Bara/Multi-Colors: Multi Colors (based on Stamm-Colors) is a summary of Colors and More Colors. Depending on the game More Colors will be used as default. Should the game be CS:GO Colors will be used. The include providing a perfect base for
Multi Colors (based on Stamm-Colors) is a summary of Colors and More Colors. Depending on the game More Colors will be used as default. Should the game be CS:GO Colors will be used. The include pr...
- CPrintToChat(int client, const char[] message, any ...)
- CPrintToChatAll(const char[] message, any ...)
- CPrintToChatEx(int client, int author, const char[] message, any ...)
- CPrintToChatAllEx(int author, const char[] message, any ...)
- CReplyToCommand(int author, const char[] message, any ...)
- CReplyToCommandEx(int client, int author, const char[] message, any ...)
- CShowActivity(int author, const char[] message, any ...)
- CShowActivityEx(int author, const char[] tag, const char[] message, any ...)
- CShowActivity2(int author, const char[] tag, const char[] message, any ...)
- CPrintToChatObservers(int target, const char[] message, any ...)
- CPrintToChatObserversEx(int target, const char[] message, any ...)
- CRemoveTags(char[] message, int maxlen)
- CFormatColor(char[] message, int maxlength, int author)