Иконка ресурса


Нет прав для скачивания
Расширение, необходимое для работы некоторых плагинов.
Поддерживаемые игры
  1. CS: Source (v34)
  2. CS: Source (OrangeBox)
Расширение, необходимое для работы некоторых плагинов.


Версия только для CSS v 34
Версии 0.0.1.x только для Orangebox игр

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* @brief enums

enum ClientHookType
    CHK_TraceAttack = 0,  // deprecated, use CHK_TakeDamage

enum EntityHookType
    EHK_Touch = 0,

funcenum Hooks
    /**** clients ****/
    // TraceAttack hook (pre) (client)
    Action:public(client, attacker, inflictor, Float:Damage, &Float:damageMultiplier),
    // ProcessUsercmds hook (pre) (client)
    Action:public(client, &buttons, &impulse),
    // PreThink hook (pre) (client)
    // PostThink hook (pre) (client)
    // TakeDamage hook (pre) (client)
    Action:public(client, attacker, inflictor, Float:Damage, &Float:damageMultiplier, damagetype),
    // VPhysicsUpdate hook
    /**** entities ****/
    Action:public(entity, other)

* @brief Called whenever an entity is created (currently only entities with an edict index)
*        Using GetEdictClasName and similar functions can cause the server to crash.
*        For most applications, you should use dhOnEntitySpawned instead.
* @param edict        Index of the edict.
* @return            Pl_Continue
forward ResultType:dhOnEntityCreated(edict);

* @brief Called whenever an entity is spawned (currently only entities with an edict index)
* @param edict        Index of the edict.
* @return            Pl_Continue
forward ResultType:dhOnEntitySpawned(edict);

* @brief Called whenever an entity is deleted (currently only entities with an edict index)
* @param edict        Index of the edict.
* @return            Pl_Continue
forward ResultType:dhOnEntityDeleted(edict);

* @brief Add hook to all clients (players) [for example: TraceAttack]
* @param type            type of hook.
* @param func            function name to send the hook to.
* @return                none
native dhAddClientHook(ClientHookType:type, Hooks:func);

* @brief    Add hook to specified entity (for example: Touch hook)
*            (entities will automatically be unhooked by the extension
*            when they are deleted)
* @param entity        entity to hook
* @param type            type of hook.
* @param func            function name to send the hook to.
* @return                none
native dhHookEntity(entity, EntityHookType:type, Hooks:func);

* @brief    Removes a hook from a specified entity (for example: Touch hook)
*            (entities will automatically be unhooked by the extension
*            when they are deleted)
* @param entity        entity to unhook
* @param type            type of hook.
* @return                none
native dhUnHookEntity(entity, EntityHookType:type);

* @brief    applies damage to a player or entity
* @param entity        entity to damage
* @param attacker        player/entity attacking
* @param inflictor        player/entity doing damage (generally same as attacker unless attacker uses an object/projectile)
* @param damage        damage to apply
* @param damagetype    type of damage (DMG_BULLET, DMG_FALL, etc.)
* @return                false if entity/attacker/inflictor are invalid
*                        true otherwise
native dhTakeDamage(entity, attacker, inflictor, Float:damage, damagetype);

* @brief Game defines

/* buttons */
#define IN_ATTACK        (1 << 0)
#define IN_JUMP            (1 << 1)
#define IN_DUCK            (1 << 2)
#define IN_FORWARD        (1 << 3)
#define IN_BACK            (1 << 4)
#define IN_USE            (1 << 5)
#define IN_CANCEL        (1 << 6)
#define IN_LEFT            (1 << 7)
#define IN_RIGHT        (1 << 8)
#define IN_MOVELEFT        (1 << 9)
#define IN_MOVERIGHT    (1 << 10)
#define IN_ATTACK2        (1 << 11)
#define IN_RUN            (1 << 12)
#define IN_RELOAD        (1 << 13)
#define IN_ALT1            (1 << 14)
#define IN_ALT2            (1 << 15)
#define IN_SCORE        (1 << 16)   // Used by client.dll for when scoreboard is held down
#define IN_SPEED        (1 << 17)    // Player is holding the speed key
#define IN_WALK            (1 << 18)    // Player holding walk key
#define IN_ZOOM            (1 << 19)    // Zoom key for HUD zoom
#define IN_WEAPON1        (1 << 20)    // weapon defines these bits
#define IN_WEAPON2        (1 << 21)    // weapon defines these bits
#define IN_BULLRUSH        (1 << 22)
#define IN_GRENADE1        (1 << 23)    // grenade 1
#define IN_GRENADE2        (1 << 24)    // grenade 2

/*  damage  */
// NOTE: TF2 seems to redefine some of the middle flags
//       for example, a crit attack passes DMG_ACID.
//       Adding DMG_ACID will not make an attack critical though. :(
#define DMG_GENERIC            0            // generic damage was done
#define DMG_CRUSH            (1 << 0)    // crushed by falling or moving object.
                                        // NOTE: It's assumed crush damage is occurring as a result of physics collision, so no extra physics force is generated by crush damage.
                                        // DON'T use DMG_CRUSH when damaging entities unless it's the result of a physics collision. You probably want DMG_CLUB instead.
#define DMG_BULLET            (1 << 1)    // shot
#define DMG_SLASH            (1 << 2)    // cut, clawed, stabbed
#define DMG_BURN            (1 << 3)    // heat burned
#define DMG_VEHICLE            (1 << 4)    // hit by a vehicle
#define DMG_FALL            (1 << 5)    // fell too far
#define DMG_BLAST            (1 << 6)    // explosive blast damage
#define DMG_CLUB            (1 << 7)    // crowbar, punch, headbutt
#define DMG_SHOCK            (1 << 8)    // electric shock
#define DMG_SONIC            (1 << 9)    // sound pulse shockwave
#define DMG_ENERGYBEAM        (1 << 10)    // laser or other high energy beam
#define DMG_PREVENT_PHYSICS_FORCE        (1 << 11)    // Prevent a physics force
#define DMG_NEVERGIB        (1 << 12)    // with this bit OR'd in, no damage type will be able to gib victims upon death
#define DMG_ALWAYSGIB        (1 << 13)    // with this bit OR'd in, any damage type can be made to gib victims upon death.
#define DMG_DROWN            (1 << 14)    // Drowning
#define DMG_PARALYZE        (1 << 15)    // slows affected creature down
#define DMG_NERVEGAS        (1 << 16)    // nerve toxins, very bad
#define DMG_POISON            (1 << 17)    // blood poisoning - heals over time like drowning damage
#define DMG_RADIATION        (1 << 18)    // radiation exposure
#define DMG_DROWNRECOVER    (1 << 19)    // drowning recovery
#define DMG_ACID            (1 << 20)    // toxic chemicals or acid burns
#define DMG_SLOWBURN        (1 << 21)    // in an oven
#define DMG_REMOVENORAGDOLL    (1<<22)        // with this bit OR'd in, no ragdoll will be created, and the target will be quietly removed.
                                        // use this to kill an entity that you've already got a server-side ragdoll for
#define DMG_PHYSGUN            (1<<23)        // Hit by manipulator. Usually doesn't do any damage.
#define DMG_PLASMA            (1<<24)        // Shot by Cremator
#define DMG_AIRBOAT            (1<<25)        // Hit by the airboat's gun
#define DMG_DISSOLVE        (1<<26)        // Dissolving!
#define DMG_BLAST_SURFACE    (1<<27)        // A blast on the surface of water that cannot harm things underwater
#define DMG_DIRECT            (1<<28)
#define DMG_BUCKSHOT        (1<<29)        // not quite a bullet. Little, rounder, different.
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