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DHooks (Dynamic Hooks) Detours latest

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  1. CS: Source (OrangeBox)
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  3. Team Fortress 2
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  5. Left 4 Dead (L4D/L4D2)
  6. Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Исходники: peace-maker/DHooks2
Релизы: peace-maker/DHooks2

Больше подробностей: DHooks (Dynamic Hooks - Dev Preview) - Page 59 - AlliedModders

  • 1.0.1-pre-alpha
    • Added Raw hook (allows passing class pointer)
    • Fixed certain hooks unhooking randomly.
  • 1.0.2-alpha
    • Added support for more params (new max is 10)
    • Added ability to add entity listeners (To hook OnEntityCreated and OnEntityDestroyed)
    • Changed from pre-alpha to alpha
  • 1.0.3-alpha
    • Fixed various memory leaks.
    • Fixed requiring latest gamehelpers i face
  • 1.0.4-alpha
    • Added support for Object pointer params (CTakeDamage in OnTakeDamage for example)
    • Removed the need for a removal callback when hooking (Its not mandatory now).
  • 1.0.5-alpha
    • Fixed a crash when a hook was removed that had no removal callback.
  • 1.0.6-alpha
    • Fixed a crash on newer engines.
  • 1.0.7-alpha
    • Fixed a crash with strings
    • Fixed a crash on new engines
    • Added support for CS:GO
    • Added support for edict_t
  • 1.0.8-alpha
    • Added support for getting the address of |this|
  • 1.0.9-alpha
    • Removed asserts from OnEntityCreated
  • 1.0.11-alpha
    • Made engine specific builds so that it works with tf2 again.
    • Hopefully fixed crashes in CS:GO in OnEntityCreated
    • Fixed a bug using Edict params.
    • Requires SM 1.5 and MM:S 1.9+
  • 1.0.12-alpha
    • Fixed crashing when accessing NULL pointers
    • Added native to check if a param is NULL before accessing it (DHookIsNullParam)
  • 1.0.13-alpha
    • Fixed a memory leak when unhooking entities.
    • Removed the need for gamedata by switching to SDKHooks entity listeners.
  • 2.0.0-dev
    • Added ability to handle params with a size other than 4
    • Restructed how hooking was handled
    • Fixed multiple memory leaks
    • Use SDKHooks for entity listeners
    • Remove the need for SDK specific builds
    • Updated to use AMBuild2
    • General code rewrite
    • Added mac support.
    • Automated builds!
  • 2.0.1-dev
    • Fixed not being able to read or set returns that were pointers.
    • Updated test plugin for SM 1.7+
  • 2.0.2-dev
    • Fix memory leak
  • 2.0.3-dev
    • Fix not being able to block void functions.
    • Fix not being able to change Vector params.
  • 2.0.4-dev
    • Fix raw hooks incorrectly comparing and passing incorrect callback functions.
    • Fix not being able to change Object Vector params.
  • 2.0.5-dev
    • Fix using ThrowNativeError outside of natives. (SM 1.8+)
  • 2.0.6-dev
    • Fixed not being able to set Vector return values.
  • 2.1.0-dev
    • Fixed a multitude of object param related issues.
    • Added new enum values to DHookPassFlag to be used for objects.
  • 2.1.1-dev
    • Fixed incorrectly unhooking non entity hooks in OnEntityDestroyed
    • Fixed not ending context (Thanks BoTox)
  • 2.2.0-dev
    • Fixed potential crash
    • Add support for setting callback when hooking instead of on create only (Allows creating post/pre hooks with one handle)

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